Post news RSS WAGAKKIWA - Clubs, Clubs, Clubs! (Update 3)

More work has been done on the WAGAKKIWA Visual Novel by Paperviper; the process of clubs and routes have begun! More backgrounds, edits, and scenes now.

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Hello everyone! Jake here from Paperviper. I've got another update coming at you after another (almost) full day of work on the game! Let's not waste any time, and jump right into it.

First, the Main Menu has went through a minor change again. Instead of having buttons on the main menu for all of the 'Extras' screens, I've decided to throw in one entire Extras screen with the buttons there. Here is the current Work in Progress view:

So yeah, when you go to listen to some tunes or enjoy your unlocked CGs, you will first be greeted by a beautiful moon and beach with the new extras screen :) Also, while we're on the topic of screen updating, I've added a background to the Music Room:

Much more better, that you now get to enjoy the view of the school's band room while playing the Music from the game :)

Now, another thing I jumped on today was the progression of the story, and the question about which club Hideo should join. No spoilers will be given away, but here's a entertaining little still from the game showing Akahana and Hideo arguing...again:

That entire scene was coded into the game today. Since I plan to make Akahana's path the most complex one, I decided I will go through and write the script for her entire path first. Get the hard stuff outta the way, and then everything else goes much more smoother.
Also, here's what it looks like when you go to decide if you'll join a group or not:

Now, while doing the first club scene with Akahana and Hideo, I began thinking about confirming things. So while I was scripting the new scene, I decided to add a part where you will confirm if you want to join said club or not, just to make you wonder if you're making a good choice or not ;)

Besides all of that, anything else I did included some position fixes, displayable errors, and minor bugs. That's it for now, make sure to keep updated on WAGAKKIWA right here from it's IndieDB page, or check out the Paperviper News blog!
~Jake of Paperviper.

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