Brutal Doom v21 first public beta has been released!
Check the latest Development Diary from last week, mentioning some of the newest features:
Version 21 Public Beta is Out Now
It's not THE final v21, but already a huge update to v20b.
Posted by Sergeant_Mark_IV on
Vehicles! Crazy awesome stuff.
WHAT! THE! ****!
I can now see my vision of seeing RAGE remade in the DOOM engine.
I used this to make projectiles more accurate and harder to dodge so much fun with doomimp fireballs but I can't get it to work with brutal doom so many lines of code.
Can you add this in your update would really like to see smart projectile shooting.
So far I've used it in the original doom and its awesome no longer can players take advantage of strafe they have to think where they are going when you add this it makes it so much more challenging.
IMO more games should use this type of prediction not just doom it's a rarely seen feature. Looking forward to next release.
Look at this it worked:
I've just updated now it works on bullets!
Already playing and its 10x better than all the other version of Brutal Doom good job! Could you add in the taunts?
Epicness itself!
Though I can't figure out how to dual-wield weapons.
Also a different animation for reloading a pistol with a non-empty clip (just replacing the clip without exposing the chamber) would be great.
Check the customize controls option, there should be option for dual-wielding
I used the button "B"
Go to keyboard or control settings, scroll down and it should be close to the bottom, But its called WEAPON SPECIAL FUNCTION or something like that. It should be in the "brutal doom controls" right under reload or grenade.
Excellent work there Sarge, can't wait til the official release is live!
Awesome, but I'll wait for the final release. :)
Very good job!
BUT,i find a bug:
When i play the DOOM II wad, i cant pickup rocket launchers.
I can take one, but later i cant take one anymore,only the ammo and ammo box
Yes,Bad english, but im pretty sure than google translator would do something worst.
Personally, I found the footsteps sfx too loud and distracting especially when they did not remain in the center channel.
To get rid of them delete the following from the .pak file: (obviously, make a copy of the .pak if you want to change it back later)
Found in the ..\SOUNDS\WORLD\ directory of the .pak
- Delete the entire \FOOTSTEPS\ folder
Found in the ..\SOUNDS\DOOMGAL\ folder
- The sound file DSFOOF
7zip will open the .pak file to let you do this. (probably winzip/winrar too, but not sure)
@phaz0r: Appreciate for the solution! I found the footsteps sound effect is annoying and distracted as well.
First I want to preface by saying I like the game, and have been waiting almost a year for it.
All the points I'm going to make below are negative, but it's still one hell of a mod, and I appreciate what you do.
• I don't think the pinkys should jump, the imps already jump and it just seems out of place. You now have to manage them a completely different way from vanilla doom. They've become OP.
• The sparks that fly out of the end of the shotgun are distracting, make it hard to see where you've shot, and they look like the shot itself, giving the impression of an extremely wide spread.
• Some weapon sprites don't pick up properly.
• Some weapon sprites glitch up and down on steps.
• I think on "Rifle Start", the rifle should be the default "2" slot. Because the pistol is not very useful, and it makes it impossible to reach the rifle with one button press. This really bothers me.
• The shotgun iron sights are cool, but I never felt like using it at all because the recoil was so huge. There should be a bonus to using iron sights to compensate for losing time and FOV, not a penalty.
• The iron sights on the rifle are cool, but the same problem, and the grey of the sights is too hard to see when firing. You actually become less accurate instead of more.
• I don't know if there's an option in the menu, but at least, I think ADS should be "hold", not "toggle" by default. "Toggle" is usually reserved for slower-paced games.
• Some of the hitboxes feel off, especially when using the pistol, and especially when the enemy is not looking at you head-on.
• I don't think there should be any automatic weapon that should blow up a barrel in one hit. It's very risky for the player. I think two hits would be more appropriate.
• I think with the berserk, left-click should be regular punching, while right-click should be third-person kill. It feels more natural that way.
• The machine gun should auto-reload the under-barrel grenade.
• With all the twisted metal and ridges, the super shotgun looks more like an exotic alien weapon than a good ol'-fashioned boomstick.
• The ammo menu shouldn't be made available by scrolling through weapons. It's always an unwelcome surprise. Dedicate a button to it, since you're only using it in quiet times anyway.
• The green blood from Hell Knights and Barons of Hell isn't clear enough in some situations. While firing at the head with an assault rifle, you sometimes can't tell if you're hitting.
• The fade-in from black at the start of each level is a little much. There are many levels that start with being attacked, and now you're blind while it's happening.
• Music doesn't play properly in menus.
• Enemies who are still alive, but blown apart, they'll stay frozen, with their sound file glitched, until the player can see them clearly. Then they'll scream, run around, and die as normal.
• Berserk packs still inform you that pressing [R] will let you cycle between execution modes.
• Many of the corpses aren't destructible. I don't know if they should be or not, but a Cacodemon's corpse is quite tall and can obstruct vision. A way to destroy it would be nice.
• The default “use” key is probably too commonly used to tell teammates (bot allies) to follow/unfollow. I was endlessly wondering where they were, because I'd accidentally told them to wait while pressing a switch or opening a door.
• Lava still burns you sometimes when weaing the protective suit.
• Some enemies (maybe just pinkies) can hurt you while you're standing on a ledge high above them.
• Maybe it's just me but, sometimes I can throw a grenade into a large group of weaker enemies, and it'll kill maybe 1 of them, or sometimes even none at all. Is this because it's getting stuck in the geometry or something? Pinkies seem particularly unaffected.
• Once you've changed all weapons to using reloading, or not using reloading, you've no indication of what it's now set to. You have to go back to the game to check.
• Once you've changed all weapons to not need reloading, their clip still shows up on the alternative HUD, needlessly cluttering it with useless information. It would be nice to have a setting which *only* shows total bullets, shells, rockets, and cells in the right corner.
• Also, even with reloading off, the total number of that type of ammunition displayed won't update until the fake clip thing is empty, even though you're not using reloading.
• Pinkies still have their new AI and attacks, even after you turn them off, the only difference is that they're now *much* slower.
• I think even after turning off new AI, you could speed up the pinkies a little. I think they're too fast with new AI on, and too slow with it off.
• Just a crazy idea, but it would be cool to have a "Reload All" button, which cycles through all your not-fully-loaded weapons, and reloads them all to capacity, then returns to the original weapon you had equipped. All with one button press.
• You can't pick up rocket launchers.
• With the mouse button held down, every 10 shotgun blasts gives you one faster one.
• This is going to sound kind of strange, but I think it's important for all the weapons to have a sort of warm, familiar feel. A comforting appearance, sound, and animation. I personally find some of the new weapon designs just aren't as satisfying as they used to be. Three examples are the shotgun, SSG, and chaingun. Just a personal feeling.
• The particles that are supposed to rest on top of the lights actually rest about 15cm above them.
• A lot of sounds continue on for even several seconds after they should have ended. Footsteps are particularly distracting.
• The player image in "Player Setup" is glitched.
• The size of some of the larger demons, like the Spider Mastermind on Dis, causes them to glitch into and get stuck in the geometry.
• As I suspected before, the hitboxes are definitely off in some cases, particularly Barons of Hell and Hell Knights.
• The lava still burning you while you're wearing the suit is a more prevalent problem than I first realised. I think it results from the new lava splash feature, and even burns you when walking down steps.
• The sound effect for putting on the suit doesn't seem as appropriate as, say, a simple zipping noise.
• When using ADS with the shotgun, (maybe only with reloading off), occasionally an additional pump action will be required, instead of a shot, and it will take you out of ADS. I think this is essentially the same as the every-10-shots-one-fast-shot problem.
• When you don't have any ammo left in a gun, and you start firing, it will automatically switch to another weapon and start firing. I think you can see why this could be problematic.
• Not really a Brutal Doom problem, but SSAO kicks in too late when walking around a corner.
• I think this is because I turned off new enemy AI, but the shotguns dropped by shotgun guys give you 8 shots each. I think this could be safely knocked back to 4. Also rifle guys' rifles give you 10. I think this could be doubled to 20, but it's your call as always.
• Your teammates (bot allies) can climb higher ledges without jumping than you can, allowing them to wander off into areas you can't access.
• Some effects, in particular from torches, go through walls.
• At the risk of sounding like a pussy, the finding-a-secret sound file is a little too creepy. I think it should be something more positive.
• Realised that the bug where every ten shots with the shotgun results in a faster shot, is a side effect of your "no reloading" feature. Would be nice to have better support in the game for that feature.
• Would be nice to have some kind of benefit to having a berserk pack , even without fists equipped. In the harder levels, it's a big ask for a player to put away all weapons, thus berserk never actually gets used, despite being really cool.
• Just personal preference maybe, but the rocket launcher smoke effects perhaps obscure a little too much.
• Lost Souls are perhaps a *little* too aggressive. It's absolutely nuts right now.
• I think pressing "X" should toggle dual-wielding. Once you're already dual-wielding, pressing "X" does nothing.
• Certain maps that have received the makeover treatment, while looking nice, are *way* too dark.
• You should be able to clip through enemies who are already in their dying state.
• I don't exactly have a solution, but there needs to be a way to see switches which are behind blood splatters.
• Enemies seem to have trouble seeing you from relatively small anges sometimes. Doom 2 - The Focus showcases this problem right at the start.
• The doors/walls don't seem to open to initiate the second stage of Dead Simple.
• There's still some exclamation mark sprites floating around, in particular in your Twilight Descends map. I don't know if that's intentional or not.
• Your teammates (bot allies) seem to get stuck in the geometry a lot, teleporters seem particularly troublesome.
• Your teammates (bot allies) block your shots when they run in front of you, which they do a lot.
• While the meat hooks are cool, getting hurt by them isn't that fun.
• Some shotgun guys seem to stay alive (or at least upright) in their dying-but-still-firing-handgun state for a very long time. I don't know if this is intentional, but I think they should die automatically after a while.
• Does the [Q] kick become superpowered when the player has a berserk?
• How about if you're using "No Reloading" mode, pressing [R] makes you do the berserk grab if you have a berserk?
• And if you *are* using reloading, pressing [R] will do the berserk grab if you have a berserk, and a full clip?
• There doesn't seem to be an ammo count for the Revenant missile launcher on the alternative HUD.
• There's definitely some problems with head hitboxes.
• Torches leave coloured orbs of light behind them every 2 metres or so when moving.
• Accidentally blowing up dozens of rockets lying on the ground, which you didn't put there yourself, isn't very fun.
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Thanks for the great update! Crazy good stuff in there!
The bug mentioned by naryanrobinson at the end of his first post is really the number one issue for me currently.
Killing zombie enemies with explosives while they are out of sight happens frequently. It is REALLY annoying when they are in hard to reach places and their pain sound gets looped until they finally see you and end their animation.
Also please make sure your customs menus are safe for different aspect ratios and resolutions. In 640x480 for example menu entries ("Brutal Doom Options") or the cursor (in Game Mode Selection) overlap the screen space. This looks quite unprofessional.
Tested with GZDoom 3.2.1.
when this will be released with the new project brutality version i m gonna enjoy replaying doom 2 maps and hell on earth starter pack campaign.
BTW will there be usable vehicles in the hell on earth starter pack campaign?
wow sergeant this mod is good there are vehicles news fatalities news monsters abilities news wepons remake maps you are a SUPER MASTER¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡
Playing Ultimate Doom and I can't seem to free marines. I only accidentally freed one once from long range when I was shooting at a group of enemies with a chaingun
When I try to turn left/right in the new beta, all the textures do this weird tilting left or right. It's REALLY disorienting. How do I turn this off?
what custom WADS work great with the beta right now?
I noticed a bug where if you have the mini-gun autorotating and jump kick or use taunts sometimes your weapons go invisible and you can't see them at all. There's also too much recoil with the Iron Sights on most of the weapons which makes them difficult to use.
Is there any way to make the iron sights non-toggle?
awesome job thx!!! but don't find the shortcut for grabing enmies
Where do you download it?
In the Download button
Awesome job. Can't wait for the full version.
Can't wait for the full version
With this game. Doom is the best shooter I have played on my life. Truly awesome.
The only thing I can point is that pinkies are a bit OP at the moment. Also when trying to pick a rocket launcher it doesn't add ammo to it
Thanks for this awesome mod!!!!
Fantastic as always! The map enhancements are excellent, they really make levels feel more "lived in" and real. I have had a few issues, however...sorry if there's a proper bug report section, but here's my list so far:
(Note that I've been using the version of Zandronum provided in the download)
-Aim down sights is a toggle & not a hold (no option to change)
-Can't fire left and right dual wielded weapons individually (maybe make an option?)
-Assault shotgun sights cover screen / hard to aim down sights
-Shotgun holds too much ammo and feels a bit too powerful, should be maybe 8 shells not 10
-Elements of UI overlap on top of each other when not using alternate HUD (grenade counter over ammo, might be Zandronum issue)
-Armor indicator broken when not using alternate HUD(shows a different number next to armor than it does below it, might be Zandronum issue)
-Zombieman troopers who have pistols are holding rifles in their death animations
-Shotgun equip sound is much louder than the other weapons
-Sights on SMG too big and distracting - blurred sights ugly
-Footstep sounds and water ripples lag behind player movement (might be Zandronum bug)
-Minigun firing sound is far louder than other weapons
-Mancubi projectiles are square when viewed through the railgun scope
-Weapon bobbing remains the same speed when walking or running (could be Zandronum bug)
-Crosshair is invisible on weapon aiming, but not on the shotgun or railgun (would be good as an option to enable/disable crosshair hide)
-Revenant rockets don't home in on player, making them way too easy to kill (however, the equippable revenant gun DOES home in on enemies)
-Revenant gun ammo not displayed (alternate HUD enabled)
-Weapon switching is very irritating; doesn't remember last weapon. I want to switch to assault rifle when I press 4 but it always switches to minigun, for example
-Dual wielded plasma guns look paper thin
-Auto shotgun a bit OP; no reason to use starting shotgun
-Railgun very OP, killed spider mastermind in 2 shots on Hurt Me Plenty when zoomed in
-Delay between turning on/off flashlight and sound playing
-Very few zombieman trooper / shotgun guy etc sounds, it's very noticeably repeated
-Incredibly hard to aim grenade launcher
-Huge framerate dips when using flashlight
-Too many sparks from shotgun, they look like projectiles
-Freed doom marines break lights as they walk by or below them
Note that all of these are minor issues, and so far I've been having the most fun I've had in a long time! Thanks for all your hard work and contributions to the Doom community.
I've now completed the entirety of the Doom II campaign, and here's the last of the issues I encountered:
(Once again using Zandronum)
-Tank key control info doesn't display long enough to read on entering
-Tank controls are a nightmare and it's virtually impossible to make it go anywhere
-Pistol and SMG ammo is very rare; maybe have troopers armed with SMGs?
-No spotlight on tank makes it very hard to see where you're going (assuming you can even move the thing consistently)
-Minigun whirring sound continues playing for a second after changing weapons
-Right click is smash mode on getting the Berserk pack, and left click is third person; feels unnatural
-It still says "press R to change modes" on picking up the Berserk pack
-Rocket smoke makes it hard to see if you've hit your target
-There are floating exclamation point textures in the "Twilight Descends" map of Doom 2
-Nazis in the Wolfenstein secret level are too powerful, they move far too fast
-Shotgun guy and zombieman trooper death screams continue even after killing them. Happens when they're in the legless prone state, and you kick their head in.
-Auto shotgun sparks are very distracting and look like projectiles being fired
-Massive FPS drop when using chainsaw (maybe due to blood effects, also FPS drop in areas with huge amounts of blood from chainsaw)
-MP40 is redundant / useless now that there's another SMG. This makes it harder to switch to the SMG.
-"R" doesn't reload the machine gun's grenades, and it's impossible to tell whether or not a grenade is loaded (this makes the alternate fire a Russian roulette)
-When jumping on hell knight gibs, the error "Jump target 'vanish' not found in hellknighthead" occurs
-Doom 2 Barrels o' Fun map impossible to complete when you have rescued marines. They shoot the barrels and you die instantly
-Railgun uses too little ammo considering that it 2 shots the spider mastermind
-SMG headshot damage is a bit OP since it can take down a mancubus in half a mag or less
-Light from flashlight passes through rescued marines, lighting up the area behind them and turning them into shadowy outlines
-Slight delay after pulling trigger on MP40 before it actually fires
-Flashlight doesn't illuminate area directly around player, making dark areas very hard to navigate
-Leftover flames on the ground from Mancubus flamethrower attacks don't hurt the player
The Icon of Sin is fantastic and a great challenge now, I'm super hyped for the non-Beta version!
Found afew very irritating bugs, other than the aforementioned ones I haven't found any more throughout The Ultimate Doom.
-When first picking up SMG, it only reloads 40/41 bullets
!!!!-Plasma gun uses ammo from both plasma guns, even when not dual wielding!!!!
!!!!-If you switch weapons while looking down iron sights, the crosshair is gone, even after switching weapons!!!!
I cant Aim down sights for some reason I dont know why I have looked on customize controls and made it right click and it does not seem to want to work can anyone help me?
It doesn't work with all guns.
However you could try binding your secondary fire to your mouse (right click)
It works as 'aim down sights'.
How do I get this to work with the Hell on earth Starter pack?
Absolutely love it!
i'm definitely glad the pistol is back.
I'm looking forward to the complete update.
Thanks to all the modders who worked on this for making my favorite game of all times even greater ;)
100% true!
I noticed the exit teleporter on map 16 appears to be broken. It doesn't end the level. Nothing happens, in fact. No way out of map 16.
how do i download it this website is confusing to me
How to install it on "Hell on Earth starter pack"?
Tanks cannon shells ammo count has no effect. It can go to zero and you can still keep on firing. But if the machinegun ammo goes to zero then you can't shoot machinegun nor cannon.