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A new release for Classic RBDoom 3 BFG is now available.

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Well after two weeks hitting my head to the wall and seeing visions of Crash Bandicoot talking like a British gentleman, I finally manage to release


At long last I manage to deal with the Classic Doom's Z-Memory. Not only I manage to fix various memory leaks (that usually happened thanks to me) but I also manage to optimize it's usage (meaning that it will use less memory than before).


Thanks to the new z-memory management I also manage to remove the limit of how many lost souls can exist in every level (let them out).


Since you asked for it now you can manually adjust how much left or right the camera will be from the player while in third Person view. Also added a new classic Doom parameter that allows you to set the size of the Z-Memory (if you REALLY think that 30MB (double from the original) is not enough).

conroy_bumpus - - 202 comments

awesomeness! thank you, my good sir!

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ZerTerO - - 134 comments

Thank you! It is time to replay Doom 3.

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