Yes, it's true. Version 1.0 will be here quite soon indeed. "Why skip from .02 to 1.0?" you say? Well, it is because I have decided to go on to a different mod, at least for now. Yes, this mod is going to be classified as "Finished", at least until the work on the other mod lightens up. I am sorry to our fans (all five of you) that this had to be done, but it did. I will try to get to work on it again, but I am not sure if I will. The new mod's link is here: PHASE. Not to brag, but it has been said that this mod has chances, if executed correctly, to go to the awards next year. I personally don't know about that, but anything is possible. Until then, my friends, farewell.
Version 1.0 Coming Soon
Yes, it's true. Version 1.0 will be here quite soon indeed. "Why skip from .02 to 1.0?" you say? Well, it is because I have decided to go on to a different mod, at least for now. Yes, this mod is going to be classified as "Finished", at least until the work on the other mod
Posted by LDM125 on
See, no one cares about this mod anymore... I'm the only one that posts, and thats on my OWN news post... *sigh*
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