Post news RSS Version - Lights & Stuff

Version includes light system, quick selection and better checkpoint system. Also a lot of bug fixes and small improvements.

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Portal Mortal - Version

Some of the major changes in this build are:
- Better checkpoints! Changed some things and now instead of complete level reset, it will save the current state of the game.
- Lights! Including area, circular and spotlight. Still room for improvements, but heck, here they are!
- Brand new background and some clouds!
- Quick selection! Store up to 10 blocks in front of you and by numbers 0-9 selecting any of them, you can chooce the block you want, easily, without scrolling between your current level and blockmenu!
- Once again.. A LOT of different improvements and bug fixes.
- First music track added!
- Couple of new levels.

Brand new background and clouds... and death spinner.

I added a little bit more acceleration for player so if you want to take a small steps, it's now possible without being super human or computer.

I've not planned the next version, yet, but I'll take a look at the network side. This could be much better with friends, so we'll see. Maybe adding new block or two as well.

Portal Mortal - Alpha (Linux only)

Portal Mortal - Alpha (Windows only)

Mean while, please, do enjoy!

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