Greetings again from the Western Front. Our mappers have been hard at work redoing some of the older maps. The Leprechaun is working on a replacement for the territorial push map "Swamp". Due to ModDB image posting requirements, I'll just post some of the URLs here. Just highlight the text and copy and paste the URL into your browser window.
British and Germans Posing on a Bridge
I'd also like to announce the completion of an advanced ambient sound system. Most modifications for Half-Life have a .wav file played for certain weapons. Whenever any player fires a weapon, the corresponding sound is played automatically, despite the distance. In real life, sound behaves differently and may often be delayed. The sound itself may also change as it riccochets off solid objects and travels through the air. We have implemented a proximity system so that firearms discharged from a distance will create a delayed, echo-like noise, while closer ranged discharges will have a more sudden and defined tone.
Finally, Oelund has done some great work on tweaking the player model faces, giving them higher definition and detail. Great work Oelund!
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This is just my opinion, but i think the map has some textures that needs to be replaced and lack of detail...
Hey ShortCutMan, can you say "whoops"?
I agree, textures seem a bit weak..could get better
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