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News 6th November 2006 Dear All, This is the anxiously awaited news of the Kingmaker development: >Firstly we have acquired an amazing programmer to help us and we now have the first of our builds created so that we can add developments straight into the game as they are finished. We have tested the

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News 6th November 2006

Dear All,

This is the anxiously awaited news of the Kingmaker development:

>Firstly we have acquired an amazing programmer to help us and we now have the first of our builds created so that we can add developments straight into the game as they are finished. We have tested the ballistics of the Longbow and they are very well done.

>Secondly we are making excellent progress in the modeling department, and we will get some screenshots as soon as possible to show you all.

>Thirdly we are currently searching skilled mappers, animators, modellers, and skinners to help us recreate the medieval world, to apply please E-mail

Despite these huge advancements, we have had a setback as our forums were hacked recently. However we are working day and night to recover the information that was lost. Please stick by us as we strive to recreate our forums and restore them to their original glory.

We would also appreciate it if you wouldn't mind idling in our IRC channel which can be found here (#Kingmaker @

We also have a public Teamspeak server
Password: glory


methy - - 1,221 comments

Good going!

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