Post news RSS UpDate#005

Status of the project, online testing!?

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Hello everyone!

It's been a while since my last article but I've been busy and fixed a lot of bugs, adjusted things and currently working on three more maps,
one is already completely finished, the second one is about to get it's navmesh and the third one is slowly becoming a shape and a plan :P

I almost spent the last few weeks trying to find a free solution to our server problem.
Almost 18 years ago we used a tool called hamachi to network online and play and test our BSS projects together online.
I currently have an online server running, with which we have currently had good experiences.

However, there are problems between windows7 and windows10.
Windows 10 seems to work fine only with hamachi , while windows 7 needs an third party tool to find and join the server.

I am urgently looking for people who would like to test with us (win7 or 10) in order to get our mod stable online.
So if you like playing (any) bf2 mods online with people,
contact me via pm and help me to get my server online to play conflicts and other mods online in coop and multiplayer together in the future!

It really dosent mater how long you're into bf2 and its mod history, it is just about having fun playing this mod and others at your freetime and weekends and having a good time playing the best game (for me) ever. So, just contact me here or on discord TrueSpirit#3869 and we maybe have some good times together playing lots of bf2 mods online and having fun =)

If enough people get in touch, i'll open a discord server and we can all play together regularly - that would be awesome! :D


Here are some screenshots of the first finished map for my 0.3
(I've started that map a year ago and lost the files , by chance I was able to find her again - dont ask...)
First map with a helicopter in our mod!

I never had so many problems on a map before. The editor was just crashing on everything. 
No matter if i worked on the terrain, the under/overgrowth, minimap, lightmaps or what ever...
Then i just deleted almost 50% of the staticobjets 
and i could finally finish that map and make a good working navmesh for it. lol

My trusty but but not rusty friend illicitSoul bought those beautiful thuja tree models a while ago online
and i've ported them to vbf2 and made some textures based on the dice's olive trees to make them fit into bf2 =)

farakhu wz11

Thanks to LtFred to make the booster pack's wz11 helicopter functional with ai! Cheers buddy :D

000 1

001 3

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It's really fun when you fight for a cp and the heli flies over it and fires at the enemy troops! :D

We also have a new (old) transport vehicle for our pla faction - a nanjing transport jeep.


It's based on the dice's heavy jep_nanjing, just without the hmg - just for transport troops on the battlefield. Thanks goes out to LtFred again! Another cheers buddy! =)


I would be very happy if one or the other would support me with online testing
in order to be able to play our and other mods online with friends in the future!

So, thats it for today, stay tuned for another (large) 0.3 newspost soon, dear friends!

Cheers! =)
NAW_Kano - - 116 comments

Talk to fred, i am sure we can help with your server needs!
We can make you stand alone or make you a mod of naw and tie you into our log in and stats servers!

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
Anthony817 - - 2,779 comments

Those static objects look really great!

Reply Good karma Bad karma+4 votes
BF2all - - 1,156 comments


Reply Good karma Bad karma+3 votes
roman9441 - - 1,183 comments

New map look nice , I like the setting

Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
MasterChiefRulZ - - 1,452 comments

Awesome as usual True! B)

Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
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