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So it's been a little while since I updated. Here's what's went down.

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So it's been a little while since I updated.Here's what's went down:

I got caught up in a little mod called: Black Mesa Resonance, which I am happy to be proud of.
It's so far been a great learning experience and i've learned so much more about mapping because of it.
Though this is only one of the reasons I haven't updated.

So when I joined BMR at the beginning of November, I still worked on this mod.
I worked on it more than I ever have.
The lead developer didn't like this so I kind of slowed it down a bit to try and work on BMR.
Didn't work out too well and I kept adding bit by bit to the first level.

Another reason is pure slacking off.
I'm what you call a bipolar mapper.
I love doing a map one second, and I get so much done.
Then in an instant I don't want to keep going and put it off for days on end before I get to it.
Keep in mind i'm much better at staying focused than when I first started on the mod back in February.

If anyone remember the old version, you would remember it took me like... 4 months to get just the tunnel done. And it wasn't even done or detailed!

I am so much better at mapping that I would call myself downright decent at it.
Something I aim for as a New Years Resolution is getting at least one project done.
Looks like this is the prime contestant.
Considering the rate at which I am starting to get faster and better at mapping, I would say I will be done by the end of next year.

Especially if I get some help, which I might be expecting soon.

Job Listings:
-Story Writer
-Sound Designer
-Soundtrack Designer
-Possibly a Modeler (i'm fine with HL2 assets)

Anyway, a change-log and sort of what's happened:
-Added much more detail to various places
-Tweaked Lighting Substantially
-Added an outside and a HDR Skybox
-Re-textured, added textures, and fixed textures
-Move around some stuff to make a bit more sense
-Tweaked scaling of certain objects
-Added a spooky place [?][?][?]
-Changed spawn area and removed less noise from the Ambience

That's all for now, expect some more changes soon.

Check out the media section to view my newest screenshots.
I'm pretty proud of them.

As always:

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