Post news RSS 1.2 Full release NOW ready for download

I decided to hold back the Sicaran and work on other stuff and release a new update in this month. Also tutorials up for the rest of the races.

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DOW2 forums topic:

Current bugs:
-Nid turrets spawn too fast.
-Ig big turret spawns too much, it is too powerful.
-Autocannon heavy weapons are OP.
-Chaos warpfire global ability too powerful.
-ORk warboss has an ability to one-shot entire assault marine squads in one hit. Not sure what causes this but I need to look into it.

Changes so far:

Space marines:

Adeptus Astartes

-New building, Teleporter Homer, made by the Force commander. It builds Assault Terminators, Terminators, Command Squad, Librarian, Techmarine, Chaplain, Champion. Heroes need tier2, Terminators tier3.
-New visuals for Extra armour. Land Raider can now have extra armour too.-Librarian can now heal with new accessory.
-Ignite soul buffed.
-New squad, Command Squad. Tier 1. Company Champion, Standard bearer, Sergeant, veterans with combi plasma bolter and plasma gun.
-New global powers: Angels of Death, Larraman's blessing, Blessing of Omnissiah, For the Emperor.
-New Volkite gun for Techmarine.
-Scouts build suppressing heavy bolter tarantula turret. It can upgrade to heavier damage multilaser turret or anti tank missile turret. Upgrades need tier 2.

Legiones Astartes

-New building, Teleporter Homer, made by the Force commander. It builds Catapracthi Terminators, Command Squad,Techmarine, Lieutenant. Heroes need tier2, Terminators Tier3.
-Scorpius bolts for Legion infantry with bolters.
-Volkites for Support squads.
-New squad, Command Squad. Tier 1. Breacher Champion, Standard bearer, Sergeant, 2 veterans with combi plasma bolter and flamer.
-New global powers: Angels of Death, Larraman's blessing, Blessing of Omnissiah, For the Emperor.
-New wargear for Lieutnant, power sword and melta pistol.
-New wargear for Lieutnant, Volkite rifle.
-Replaced Signum armour with Armour of Alacrity for Lieutnant.
-Scouts build suppressing heavy bolter tarantula turret. It can upgrade to heavier damage multilaser turret or anti tank missile turret. Upgrades need tier 2.


-Librarian can now heal with new accessory.
-Terminators and Paladins now built from HQ.
-New global powers: Angels of Death, Reinforcement Beacon, Blessing of Omnissiah, For the Emperor.
-New unit: Inquisitorial Stormtroopers. Same as IG ones, just at Tier 1.
-Combat squads build suppressing heavy bolter tarantula turret. It can upgrade to heavier damage multilaser turret or anti tank missile turret. Upgrades need tier 2.


-Traitor marines build suppressing heavy bolter tarantula turret. It can upgrade to heavier damage Havoc missile turret or anti tank lascannon turret. Upgrades need tier 2.
-Marks for Chaos Land Raider. Khorne: 10% greater damage. Nurgle: Faster regeneration. Tzeentch: 5000 More health. Slaanesh: Increases speed by 2.
-Mark of Slaanesh for Predators. Increases speed by 3.

Imperial Guard:

-Normal IG speed boosted from 5 to 6.
-Krieg do not get this speed boost, as they can not be supressed.
-Guardsmen squad can now have Commissar, Vox trooper and Medic at the same time. Same for Krieg.


-Defender guardians now build Shuriken and Brightlance turrets.
-Storm guardians now build Starcannon, D-Cannon, Scatter laser or Plasma Missile turrets.
-Brightlance, Starcannon, D-cannon and plasma missiles are Tier2.
-Swooping hawks are now buildable at Webway gate.
-Harlequins now need tier2, built at Webway gate.
-Warp Spider exarch built at Webway gate at tier 2.
-Wraithguard built in HQ at tier 3.
-Wave serpent is now a bit slower, but a bit more durable than the Falcon.


-Sluggas and Shootas can build suppressive big shoota turrets and anti tank rokkit turrets.
-Mekboy hero can build Blasta turret that fires medium range, AOE plasma blasts.


-Termagaunts and Hormagaunts can now build AOE anti-infantry spore mine nodes, venom cannon anti tank nodes, and at Tier2, AOE heavy damage psychic blast nodes.
-Rippers are now buildable at tier 1.

I'm afraid I could not find anything turretable for Tau, but putting a few Broadside suits near HQ should act like it.
I'm also decided to release the next update without the sicaran in game yet, since I can't fix it at the time.

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