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Some of you guys know, its a while ago since i've released a new version of smythos. Now i will showing you my result of that i'm working on. Enjoy

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First of all, let me show you a small list of that what you will expect in this article

1. Main Menu

2. Content

3. UI

The Main Menu

Login scene

I thought that my game need a change of scenery, so i decided to recreate a new UI.

It took me around more than 3 hours of finding the right scale for every element.

After alpha stage, i will convert every strings of every script (for example the button "Registrieren" will be "Register") to a document which include every string (ms excel or openoffice tables).

The Content

Main City

(Disclaimer: Every Icon what i using from Blizzard (WoW) is only temporary! They will be replaced on release)

I have integrated every thing of the old version in a multiplayer mmo base.

The Main City is now placed on a big continent and every Dungeon is now open and has respawnable mobs inside.



Yeah, we all love mounts. :D

I thought that, it could be a nice try on a mobile phone, to feel the elements of a mmorpg.

There a many other features that you will expect like:

- Mailing

- Trading

- Grouping

- Crafting

- Windows/Linux and Android character sync

The Interface


I've started messing up with the perfect mobile controlls. Its not easy to find out what is the best position for an element and where it not interfere for the user.

Thats all what i can say atm.

So, what are you impressions? Please let me know.

Best regards

baszermaszer - - 446 comments

Environments and female models look nice! Your blue logo made me click on your article and learn about your project.

Screenshots are beautiful! Amazing map design and art direction. I love the BIG FONTS you use in the UI. Don't ever decrease font size from current state and I'll buy your game!

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MHDev Author
MHDev - - 6 comments

I'm totally agree with you, the font size was a big problem on high-end devices. Now i moved to a new UI system on Unity. The UI Size(and fontsize) is now exactly the same height and width on 800x600 or 1920x1080 resolution. Edit: Smythos is free on google play, so nothing will change, it will be still free!

Reply Good karma+2 votes
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