Post news RSS Update - 9/4/2013

What I've been up to, and why the last three versions of the game have been totally non-functional. This project isn't dead, so expect to see some new stuff on the horizon.

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I'd like to let everyone know that the version of the game currently available to download DOESN'T WORK. I know that it's been forever since any kind of update, but if you download this version this game will crash within the first 5 minutes. I've been working for the past 4 months on making it functional and finally succeeded, so a new demo version with all the features the actual game release is on the horizon! HUZZAH!

There are a lot of gameplay features I've been working on, bug fixes, aesthetic changes, and basically the whole experience is wildly different from the original demo I released back in March, and I'm really excited to be able to finally release it.

I've hit a bit of a snag regarding random assets turning invisible on the map, so once I've got it all figured out I'll be releasing a new version of the demo which WILL ACTUALLY WORK.

I'll also post a few screenshots to sate the hungry appetites of the 4 people who are actually paying attention and who care about this game at all.

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