If you liked our last demo but thought it was buggy, limited, or a bit too greyscale, well, have I got news for you! Demo 3 is now up and it's no longer just alpha or a taste of the tech. It's finally become (almost) representative of what the final game will be like, with regards to features and polish. Only a few temp or unfinished bits remain.
You can now play the first three chapters of the plot, plus the full intro -- which equates to many thousands of words of story and a good taste of the strategy portion. If that doesn't convince you that we at IG are all about delivering a quality product, I don't know what will. It also shows off the hard work of our talented artists, Sydney, Anastasia, Savannah, Kia and Salvatore, and our excellent sound/music team, Steve, Nicolas, and Kolby. They've all done an amazing job to bring the game up to a proper professional standard.
Below are links to our Steam store page, trailer, and of course the demo. I recommend all of them. You certainly won't have long to wait.
- Ryan Span, Illuminated Games