Post news RSS Update 3/7/2014 Updated Feature List and Anouncements

Updates on Development, Announcement of our newest team members, and an Official List of Features that will be implemented in Anarchy Rising

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It has been an interesting week and we have gotten a lot accomplished! First off we have some additions to the team we want to announce:

Daniel White- Lead Game Designer
Russel Harvey- Administrative Lead and Junior level Designer
Max Philips - Lead Sound Engineer
Christopher Mcdowel - Lead Writer

They are all Excellent and Excel in their specific fields! They have brought a lot to the team and are all excited to be a part of this game! So, we know a lot of you have been popping in waiting to see a feature list and what we plan to implement and we have decided to realease a list of the major features we want you all too know about! So here it is the Official List of What will FOR SURE be in the Game:
First Person Combat system:
PVP System:
-Centralized battlezone in space for Space Batttles,
-Faction Wars-in enemy territory you are a target for pvp,
-Guilds can declare war on eachother with consent and then can Que for Guild Warzones
-Guild warzone battles to determine dominance.
-Faction Warzone: Public warzone 10v10 (level system that matches you with players of similar stats)
-BattleGround Planet Events

PVE System:
-Surface have natural wildlife that they will have to defend themselves against
-Planet Specific enviromental hazards:(ex. Extreme Temperatures fluctuations, Acid Rain, etc.)
-NPC quest path Specific to the planet

Crafting System:
Resource Harvesting Space(Salvaging, Asteroid mining, Resource Stealing)
Resource Stealing side note: Crew can turn against player to mutiny
Building Crafting(prefab buildings and Ability to build your own)
Vehicle and Weapon Upgrades
Worthwhile and rewarding to players that craft!

Ability to Land on and Colonize Planets in the Universe

Multiple Factions and Races
-4 Factions
-4 Faction Specific Races
-4 Open Races(usable by any faction)

Multiple Starting Proffesions(classes)

Customizable Character Creation!!!

And More to be announced in the near future!!!

Thats all for now! be sure to check back frequently for project updates!

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