Post news RSS Update #3

Just a run down of what to expect of Frontier and a progress report.

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First of all, I think you should all know that there is no Frontier team yet, I have done everything and have worked at an astonishing rate, but anyway, here is some news.

Beta 2 is now out so get ready for some more action, here are some things you probably haven't noticed:

There are 2 giant space ships inside the larger ones hangar, to use them, walk into the structure or front of the ship, then it should start moving automatically. To get to the 2nd one, just walk across the first one, then follow the catwalks until you get to it.

If you get to the 2nd hangar and follow the hallway with the noise, if you go straight you will end up in a room with missiles, walk up to the one on the left to use it. After 15 seconds, everything on the map dies.

Remember that I update this page daily.

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