Post news RSS Update! (29/03/06)

Well, since nobody has commented on anything yet, I will either assume that nobody cares, or that nobody is taking me seriously. Fortunately, I take me seriously :) and so ive been making alot of progress in the last month. So here is a short update of what ive done so far: -Main gameplay changes- -Created

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Well, since nobody has commented on anything yet, I will either assume that nobody cares, or that nobody is taking me seriously.

Fortunately, I take me seriously :) and so ive been making alot of progress in the last month. So here is a short update of what ive done so far:

-Main gameplay changes-
-Created 2 new gametypes: MonsterhuntPlus, and TeamMH. MonsterHunt plus will be a replacement for the regular MH gametype. Has all the same features as MH, as well as fixes to some annoying bugs. TeamMH, which is based off MonsterhuntPlus, has support for 2 seperate teams. Neither class is entirely finished yet, but are nearing a private alpha test.

-backwards compatible with MonsterHunt: SInce MonsterHuntPlus is a new gametype, you will still be able to play on servers using regular MH. It will also still be able to play ANY existing MH map. In the future, Team-based play will be possible on regular maps as well as TMH maps. But for now I am testing it on TMH specific maps.

-new features for MHPlus: Configurable values for Health and Ammo regen (since alot of people like playing with regen). Also added an option to scale regen values based on the number of players in a map. The more players, the less regen. It should help to balance gameplay. Added a config option to remove the messages that get displayed when a player kills a monster (except on boss monsters). Can be used to prevent message spam on servers that play maps with ALOT of enemies.

-Other new features-
-HuntCamera: Can be used to make cutscenes during gameplay. Can be attached to movers to rotate/pan. Many other features that I will not list here, check out PlanetMonsterHunt for more info. You can see a beta version of it in MH-LostSouls by VatcilliZietchef (can be found on The final version has many more features.

-HuntDialogue: Used in conjunction with HuntCamera. Used to display text during cutscenes. Usefull for making narratives or character dialogue, or just for giving objectives and instructions.

-AdvancedMonsterEnd: Can be used to change the Win/Lose messages for completeing a map. Can also end the map early with a bad ending, if the player does not meet certain objectives.
Beta version also used on MH-LostSouls

-HuntTeamInfo: Can be used to assign specific primary and secondary goals to a team. Each team can have different objectives. Objectives will be displayed upon joining a team, and can be viewed in-game via a keybind (not yet implemented).

-SpawnZone: prevents monsters and players from other teams from entering your spawn area. Prevents spawnkills.

Those are the major new things i have finished so far. Like i said, I am nearing an internal alpha release (hopefully within a month or 2). At which point select mappers will have access to it to begin work on TMH based maps. Just so that everyone knows, i am still working on this. Its becoming more of a reality every day.

aresy - - 1 comments

neat, always wondered what competitive MH would be like :)

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