Post news RSS Update 27

Hello again fans. Been a long time since we have posted an update. The mod is getting very close to completion.

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As you have all seen we have some more accurate clones. We have more clones in the works.
Now that all of the clones are individual units we are working out ways to make the higher rank clones more valueable and needed in battle. For starters the basic clones will have limited sight range while the sergeants and officers will have the better sight range so it will be necessary to always have atleast a sergeant with a group of clones or risk the droids picking you off before you can see them. The officers and jedi will have leadership bonuses for your forces in land and space battles like before with higher ranks having larger bonuses. The clones will all start at tech 1 with colors like on AOTC with color for rank. By 2 and 3 they will start to do unit colors and lose the color for rank and I may do the phase 2 switch at tech 4 instead of 5. Haven't decided yet. The jedi will also have there clone commander with them that will appear in the proper style armor depending on tech level.

I am still working on the maps and on new ways to make infantry very valueable. Including working on new ways to take cover from larger weopons with new barricades, buildings and walls and having more infantry only areas. Without infantry it will be very hard to hold or take a land map. More of the clones will now have thermal detonators and I am experimenting with droid poppers.

We will be doing maps for Umbara and Christosis once we get a chance to model the needed props. We think Umbara will be one of the coolest maps every seen for FOC if we can pull it off like we want.

We also have plans to do new models for quite a few units already in the mod and as I explained in a recent image infantry units will now be attached to your flagship in space battle if you bring them to a space battle although I may try to figure out how to garrison them in the ship of your choice. It will also be more necessary to stage you ground forces closer to a planet you plan to invade before attacking because I am gonna slow hyperspace down a lot so the enemy will have more time to counter attack your space invasion if your ground forces are too far away.

Stay tuned

SolidJames - - 1,326 comments

Great update.

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Admiral-Ash - - 1,813 comments

You're adding in Umbara? Please don't tell me you're going add Ping Pong Bal...I mean Pong Krell. No wait, add him, so I can have Grievous use him as a training dummy!

I think garrisoning transports and fighters might take a little LUA coding, because I tried that before and it didn't work. I did ALL the necessary things for it to work and nothing happend.

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Chagall - - 282 comments

You guys are doing great. ;)
I like the new ideas.

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Alpha473 - - 380 comments

Excellent news, keep up the good work

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vadereclipse - - 327 comments

If you're adding umbara, will you add umbaran technology that you saw in the episodes?

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Ozzy667 Author
Ozzy667 - - 2,303 comments

Hopefully. Mando wants to do some of them but we will see once the critical models are complete.

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masterrex - - 18 comments

This look awesome! I wonder, could Coruscant feature the Jedi Temple (just like any other ground facility, e.g. Mining, Barracks, Factory, etc) which produces Jedi and in a ground battle spawns generic Jedi Masters and Knights?

Keep up the good work! Can't wait for version 4!

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