I'm sorry to say my print screen button doesn't seem to work on my new computer so screen shots in game will not be posted until I figure out why but I was able to take some screen shots of the new units in the ALO viewer. We have mostly been chasing bugs and as I mentioned I was on vacation but I have added some Warb Null units to the unplayable Hutt faction. Here are the newest additions
The Gozanti Cruiser used by many planetary security forces and in a small way by the Hutt Cartell
On top of the update I also want to again thank you fans for the support. Their are some good people in this community that really help other mods like z3r0x and their are some really petty people in this community that just want to wave their work around and act like we should all bow before them and declare them god because they can model and not all of us can. Our team will not be bullied by these people. We are just happy to have you fans to support our efforts to make these games for you.
You all are doing great work! Keep it up! :D
The hutt fighter is the first and shittiest ship you get in SWG ^^
LOL. This is on of the two light fighters. Their is also a medium fighter, medium bomber and the heavy fighter
cool that light ship looks awsome :) i jsut hope its not like that long cruiser thing that sucks !!!!
please redo the republic assault ship please!
I assume you mean this one
It was actually already coded in game but made unavailable. I fixed it but it is only available at a few planets
You could grab Xfire to take ingame screenshots or Steam for that now supports capturing of screenshots now I believe.
"We are just happy to have you fans to support our efforts to make these games for you."
And we are happy to play and enjoy them :) Keep up the good work, we thank you for your efforts.