Hello. In this update we'll talk about:
-some material changes,
-LOD distance for soldiers
-common projectiles
First, material changes. I've made common bullets on material 38 stronger and added more specific projectiles, 9MM, 5.56, 7.62, Sniper and Shotgun.
-9MM is a bullet, that won't do much damage (20). It's material is tweaked not to be dangerous for some armours. A headshot causes player to go in man down state and shooting limbs causes enemy to loose around 1-5 damage. Shooting at kevlar makes enemy loose ~10 damage
-5.56 gives more damage (35) and can penetrate and damage certain light armours. A headshot is a deadshot, so you can't be revived and don't go in man down state-you just die. Shooting limbs causes enemy to loose about 5 damage. Kevlar shot is ~20 damage.
-7.62 is beast comparing to two projectiles above (it does 65 damage). It can damage light armours and spraying 2 mags into a jeep destroys it. You won't survive a headshot. Shooting limbs does about 10-15 damage. Kevlar shot is ~50 damage.
-Sniper projectile has a vague name, applies to all sniper rifles, no matter what caliber. It does 110 damage and kills instantly. Only heavy armour can stop it. Light armor destroys after about 7 shots. Kevlar doesn't absorb much damage, heavy soldier looses about 90-100 HP after getting shot with a sniper rifle.
-Shotgun projectile does about 10-20 damage per pellet. Its range is about 40- 50 meters, so use it only in close combat. It uses default shotgun material.
Lod distance changes: I made soldiers visible from about 200 meters away (while not using scope).
And common projectiles are above-mentioned bullets, all weapons of same caliber share them.