Post news RSS Update - #21

We've decided to move all our discussions and posts to our forum for ease instead of having to post on 3 blogs with updates. Oh and we now have ironsights!

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You probably noticed that we don't always get our updates in on time, there are several reasons behind this, and the main one is that we simply don't have time to update all 3 websites that relate to the game. Others are that we're busy working, not in, eating cake, and that ModDB sometimes takes a long time to authorize our posts L
However, we hope to solve this issue by modifying our forum @ Seventh Wave to have a dedicated Zombie Pandemic forum space where all updates and discussions will go, now, we will still be updating our ModDB page but it will most likely be a short topic on what has been happening in the forum with links to each topic and an explanation of what it is about, this way we can cover more and not have to type out the entire of an update - we can simply provide a link to the topic, and this topic will be available to discuss on, this will save us more time with updates and in theory give us more time to make some nice things in the game.
Secondly, I've been doing some work and we now, finally, have ironsights for most weapons in the game. Some are still a bit off, but these will be fixed soon, I'll get some screenshots up when I get the chance. Our next topic is to discuss the power of each weapon and all of its stats. Quite important as we don't want you to be able to kill a zombie on level 15 with a single shot from an M9!
I believe that's all I have for now, GeneralBert is working on the Dead Street map, which soon I'm going to force him to rename - suggestions welcome.

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