Its only 600 poly's so plenty room for detailed areas!
As you can see there is now a helopad overhang and a walkway which will eventually have ladder access to the top flight deck I have removed the Tower because I want to make a better one as the old one was a bit shabby.
There you go a bit of extra detail, a Forward Area Rearming Point (Right side) & a Helopad (Left side).
NEXT: Tower
Just a bit more to go now then its ready guys, poly count is approx. so far: 1026.....estimated complete with collision boxes 1200 - 1500 poly's. Also it now has the ladders that are located on the overhangs to access the flight deck and Phalanx defense platform at the rear of carrier.
Update, Raptor has skinned the back of the carrier in the loading dock hangar.