Alright guys, another week another update. As of today for Build 7 we now have texture scaling for maps and entity definitions for maps are now external. In addition to these I'm working on getting the code for entities external and grenade explosions. The external entity stuff should be just about the last of the coding needed for modding.
Now for my first Build 8 update. I'm working on an experimental bloom filter and will be posting images if I get it working. In addition to that I'm working on making player movements more physics based so that collisions w/ physics objects are better done and physics based bullets.
As for gameside, really there's no new news since last update. This will change after build 8 is completed because then I'll focus my attention on AI, entities, bug fixes, and the multiplayer portion (still in Build 1!).
Be looking a the new flow media shortly after Build 8 is finished.
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