CHANGELOG 10/1/11:
General (campaign);
-Streamlined difficulty to be less jumpy.
Zerg 1.scx;
-Difficulty reduced significantly.
Zerg 3.scx;
-Fixed numerous doodad-related issues.
Protoss 4.scx;
-Several trigger functions fixed.
-Doodads/terrain cleaned up to make for better pathing.
-Certain transmissions have been properly redone to point at the right .wavs.
-Various other bugs have been fixed or cleaned up.
-Zerg 'Casan Screamer' and 'Asphyxiator' have been added.
-'Building Carapace' upgrade has been added.
-Immortal damage and splash radius has been decreased. Cost changed to 175/150.
-Clarion damage decreased. Cost changed to 175/225.
-Reptilian damage increased. Cost changed to 250/200.
-'Building Plating' upgrade has been added.
-Mastodon attack changed to a missile salvo attack. Health increased. Damage increased. Cost changed to 200/150.
-Scimitar attack decreased. Cost changed to 175/150.
-'Building Armor' upgrade has been added.
Notice: There is currently no cost for the building armor upgrades. This will be fixed in future versions.
Remember; much, MUCH more is to come!
It's a good start anyway.
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