Post news RSS Update 0.8.4 - Alliances

Get ready to build your reputation with other cities because this week we’ve added alliances as a diplomacy option!

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Get ready to build your reputation with other cities because this week we’ve added alliances as a diplomacy option! If you meet the requirements, AI cities will accept an alliance and help you wage war or defend you from aggressors! We’ve also released the new Exeter support ship. As always, we would love your feedback on the new features so we can find any balance issues.


  • Alliances – reach a reputation of 75 with another city to become trusted, allowing you to request an alliance. If the other city feels you are big enough and have a strong enough fleet, they will accept and join you in any of your wars. But they will also expect you to join them in their wars!
  • Exeter Corporation level 3 building upgrade.
  • New Charybdis Exeter support ship that has no standard weapons but will shoot down nearby enemy missiles and torpedoes with its point-defense system - creating an effective shield around a fleet.

Improvements & Bug Fixes

  • You now gain reputation with other cities for defending their outposts from pirate raids.
  • You now gain reputation with a city when you declare war on someone they hate.
  • Reduced max reputation bonus for sending gifts to 30 from 40
  • Increased rate of decay for positive reputation modifiers (trade, came to our aid, gifts).
  • After dying, players respawn at their city docked instead of being above the city.
  • New ‘declare war’ screen that shows you a list of each side’s fleets and allies so you can make an informed decision.
  • Fixed a bug that caused AI cities to “desire your outposts” even when they had plenty of open space around them – they should now only get this reputation modifier when there is no more space around them.
  • Fixed a bug that could cause problems when creating multiple solar systems one after the other.
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