Post news RSS Update #015 Almost ready for Early Access

Putting the final touches on. We are working hard resolving bugs, as you all know we have been testing in house getting ready for EA release this month, yep, you heard right, we are excited to be this close EA release this month. We look forward to building a great community.

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Putting the final touches on. We are working hard resolving bugs, as you all know we have been testing in house getting ready for EA release this month, yep, you heard right, we are looking forward to EA release this month. We look forward to building a great community that will help us progress the game into the future. Your ideas and thoughts are welcome, Even though we have the main idea its your input that will make it AWESOME. We want to remind you that the game is EARLY ACCESS and will have some bugs, and only a small % of the game will be available for play. Once the game is live we will be pushing regular updates, our thought is to share what we have so you can play as we grow. WE WILL BE ACTIVE WITH OUR COMMUNITY

Dont forget to join the BugOut Discord

Even though we are in heavy testing here is a small list of things we have done.
Improvements and Fixes

Area that you can harvest plants has been expanded to 2 meters

New Creek added to the main map ( Upper Creek)

Can now Harvest Certain Ferns for fiber

Improved Player Movement

Decreased Head Bob

Made improvements to Post Processing

Updated Terrain Texture Splat Maps to PBR

Added new scripts to improve the way you build primitive structures

Added Bear, Rabbits , Deer and Wolves ( they are only in place for looks at the moment can not kill)

Added Snail for food

Feedback from testing has helped us to improve a few things as well.
Like the Inventory UI and Setup. Before we had separate UI windows for each the inventory and character. We have now wrapped them up into one, all you have to do is hit the TAB button. Now the inventory looks much cleaner.

new inventory window1

If you have an Herb Pouch it will show up on the bottom of your backpack, Just click it to open , this pouch will only hold herbs and mushrooms.

Herb pouch

Also added the basic crafting button to this window as well, It is the hammer and wrench below the character

Inventory and basic crafting win

Another request we had from testing was to do something with the bright green preview on the building parts, so we changed it to a mild transparent blue, it seems to be much easier on the eyes.


Finally got the a cool looking storage building to store up some items. As you can see in the pic we are still making Icons for some of the items..

new storage building window

Added a dead-fall trap that can be crafted in the basic crafting menu, great to try and catch small game.

close up deadfall trap


These are just a few of the things we have been doing while running test for EA. We are happy so far and hope that you will be too.





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