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What's up and coming in BoE! Short progress report.

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As I've mentioned prior on the Steam store page, the game being released does not mean I will stop developing it. As it is, it is a finished game, but I find that adding levels and other features will be a good way to show that I am committed to ensuring the game is as good as it possibly can be.

So in order to prepare the game for the next update, I have finally gotten around to moving the game from Unity 5.5 to Unity 2017.2, which means that some of the assets I use have been updated and will be better optimized. It also means I need to rebake all the lighting on levels :P But that should be a fairly quick process, albeit with a lot of manual meddling.

Come this weekend I will post news on how the update is progressing.

For info on the expected contents of the update, visit the store front:

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