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Let's get this show on the road. Here's a brief summary of why I made this game and what I hope to do with it.

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Hello there I am Luke Highet amateur game designer.

I created this piece mainly to experiment with the audio capabilities of the UDK engine the actual end project grew in size and complexity with each new technique I learnt. While I still have a professional attitude to the sound and music within the game the thing that really interested me, and always has done since I played games as a youngster, was how all these different mediums could come together and create a tangible little world, 3D, 2D, Programming etc.

Being a hands on kind of guy I decided I could do all these aspects of game design myself, in the space of a year, without prior knowledge of any of the tools and, of course, it would be marked at the end...yeah I was a bit stupid. Luckily though I did well and you can play the version I gave to them already in the download sections here (yay for hyperlinks).

I am now further fine tuning the game and giving it a full ending making it a short, interactive teaser. I hope that by showing this project to prospective employers, and you lovely people, it will show that I can finish a playable and interesting, well balanced and interactive audio experience complete with visuals, as opposed to just shoving some EPIC music down their throats and relying on just composition to see me through.

Wish me luck and thank you for reading,

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