Post news RSS Underhell is coming

I'm back from exile, and I bring some news ! I teamed with WE CREATE STUFF, hired a new Composer, and a new website is on the way ! Oh and the Prologue is damn near complete...

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Greetings ! I came back from "Exile" about 2 weeks ago and have been working non stop since then...

Good news ! Underhell is now officially in Collaboration with We Create Stuff, and I will have a website and some space on their page...

Which leads me to the other good news :

It's not opened yet, but this Website will be more professional than what I have been using so far...
And that also means new forums ! Good because mine were starting to get over flooded, it's like a damn barrage out there, each time I activate the subscriptions hundreds of bots spam the forums.

In other news, mister Tom Stoffel will now be composing the entire soundtrack for Underhell.

And I have now been working with him for the past 4 days, and I'm happy to say we're going in the right direction, here is a sample of what we are making :

Prologue Helicopter - Mod DB

Besides that I can't really post any "new" screenshot, since nothing "new" from the prologue has been "Created" (that's a lot of words between quotes).

Thing is we have been on beta testing and polishing for about 3 months now hehe, since the mod had been ported back and forth to Orange Box engine there were a LOT of things to fix...

But I can pretty much say that it's stable now, all that's missing are the musics and I don't think it will take too long.

So stay tuned...It's almost here

HeroicPie - - 64 comments

cool can't wait (:

Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes - - 1,090 comments

GO BACK IN EXILE NOW :) no, cool hearing from the project thanks
and greets

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Seaalisgonefromhere - - 986 comments

Love the team wecreatestuff, I hear they make awesome stuff! Cannot wait to play this game! Tracking!

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ThatOGDon - - 231 comments

wecreatestuff is awesome.
I'm still playing Nightmare House 2. I did beat but it's a pretty good mod and my friend told me that there are some easter eggs aside from the this_is_not_an_easter_egg map

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xXMaNiAcXx - - 4,807 comments


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