FINALLY ..... We have released Ultimate Survival to the public. After 7 months of hard work from a dedicated team we feel that its about time we got some public feedback. The mod is still a long way from being finished in various parts - but at this stage it feels like paintball and looks just as good. We will be taking a survey to get your opinions on our work so far-or you could come on over to HQ Network and visit the forums. We hope that you enjoy the mod so far and we hope that you can repay us by giving us your views.
Features include:
-5 ingame paintball guns
-hopper and C02 tanks
-UMS shop so u can buy Guns and ammo
-DM, TDM, and CTF gametypes
- 2 new mutators: zoom which adds a zoom feature to your gun and Hunter which is a variation of the game "IT" That adds twist to DM and TDM gametypes
-40 new maps that include tournament style paintball maps as well as various new themes including a factory and a barn yard.
-compatability with UT2003 DM and CTF maps and all ammo pick ups are replaced with extra paintballs where as most UMS maps force you to buy your ammo
-compatability with most UT2003 mutators. weapon changing mutators will not work.
You may download one of the versions for now here.
**please note we are well aware of the other paintball mod MVPB also for UT2003.
We are asking for input on our Mod, not how we compare to MVPB. We wish them the best of luck with their mod**