Post news RSS Ultmate Chicken Horse Kickstarter reaches for stretch-goals

Ultimate Chicken Horse, a multiplayer party platformer, enters the final 3 days of it's Kickstarter! With the right support, we can reach our highest stretch goal and include online support!

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It's a game all about building levels that will hopefully screw over your friends, without screwing yourself. It's been heralded by some commentors as the next big friendship destroyer after Mario Party. The kickstarter video illustrates it best.

After a huge push cause by a Super Best Friends Play youtube video which has over 100k views, we have reached our first goal and are now aiming for our stretch goals which include a Sandbox mode, character outfits and online support for multiplayer.

Linear Saw

As the Kickstarter has progressed, we have worked to continue to add new features, most notably, a new building material called Honey-Glue which allows blocks to be stuck together, creating much more complexe creations.

Honey Glue

If you're interested in the game, please consider checking out our kickstarter page at

Looking forward to sharing our continued progress here on IndieDB

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