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This version adds 3 complete new levels in the tropical pacific style, with 4 variations each as known from the other levels, like at dawn, by day, by night and in rain.

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This version adds 3 complete new levels in the tropical pacific style, with 4 variations each as known from the other levels, like at dawn, by day, by night and in rain.

1.Pazifik_Kitney_Beach: A small tropical island with moderately dense vegetation, it is very symmetrical, to offer better balance on teamplay modes.

screenshot Pazifik Kitney Beach

screenshot Pazifik Kitney Beach 1

2.Pazifik_Gardens: A small tropical island in the form of an atoll with more orderly and thicker vegetation with occasional flowerbeds.

screenshot Pazifik Gardens by da

screenshot Pazifik Gardens at da

3.Pazifik_Watertown: This level has no land, it is a small town of primitive wooden huts completely build on poles in the shallow ocean, around a big lighthouse, that has fully walkable interiors.

screenshot Pazifik Watertown by

screenshot Pazifik Watertown in

Apart from the new levels there have not been many changes except some small adjustments and bugfixes.

Other changes in this version are:

- Particle effect have been adjusted more to the ambient light, so they are no longer that bright in dark areas.

- Random tips on level loading.

- Slightly improved postFX settings on some darker levels.

- Fixed a bug saying "password required" where it would lock people out of the game, or making them not being able to launch games when they had a password set previously on hosting a server.

- Of course lots of new textures, 3D models etc that are used in the new levels and of course can be used when building new levels in the editor.

- And as always a bunch of small changes not worth mentioning.

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