Post news RSS UEAW v3.2 released

The newest version, v3.2 has been released. Here is a short list of new units: - Admiral Daala - The Ravager - Rebel Combat Medic - Assault Gunboat - TIE Droid (TIE/D) - Dreadnaught - Dreadnaught (modified) - Dreadnaught Fleet Carrier - IPV - Emperor's Royal Guard (redrobes) - Mara Jade (full)

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The newest version, v3.2 has been released.

Here is a short list of new units:
- Admiral Daala
- The Ravager
- Rebel Combat Medic
- Assault Gunboat
- TIE Droid (TIE/D)
- Dreadnaught
- Dreadnaught (modified)
- Dreadnaught Fleet Carrier
- Emperor's Royal Guard (redrobes)
- Mara Jade (full)
- Kyle Katarn
- Moldy Crow (Jan Ors)
- Podwalker
- ISD Hydra
- ISD Manticore
- ISD Basilisk
- ISD Gorgon (Daala)
- Grand Arena
- The Maw (Planet)
- 44 Planets Galactic Campaign
- skirmish map: Into the Forrest
- various tweaks and edits to xml coding

For more info, please check our website.

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