Shortly I did an interview on Command & Conquer Files - Command and Conquer FileFront
with Mr. Funsocks. It has some new information and also exclusive screenshots.
To the full Interview << Click here >>
Just check it out! ;)
Mr.Funsocks: What makes The Power of High-Tech Warfare different from other mods?
Detonato: The biggest difference between this mod and others is its mass of ideas. I made an improved construction yard building system which is almost like that of the classic C&C’s, but with a bit more speed. Another example is the fortress mode: I guess nobody really thought that it would be possible to place walls resembling those in “Battle for Middle Earth 1”. Also, the graphics in TPoHW are something special because I use a lot of shaded objects and particle effects. Lastly, the all of the dark units and the Witches are kind of mysterious: there probably isn’t any other mod with this kind of story – TPoHW is a new C&C universe.