The following items are the top 5 rarest items in the world of Skideria. These items will be entered in secret updates once the game is released. These items are priceless so make sure you keep your eye out for them once the game is released. Also stay tuned on IndieDB for more updates!
-Skideria Staff
1.)The Armor Vorske (Only 2 of these peices will be entered in the game)
2.) The Kapathian Sword (Only 4 of these will be placed in the game)
3.) The Staff of Truth (Only 6 peices will be entered into the game)
4.) The Shadowcraft Ring (Only 8 of these will be entered in the game)
5.) The Sword of Gazamo (Only 10 of these items will be placed into the world)
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Nice names. I bet the devs without named items are jealous.