Post news RSS Tombstone is running strong!

Hey guys, Lumbergh here from Tombstone mod for Half-Life 2. First off, our website is still undergoing a major overhaul, but our current one is still up and running for you to check out, so go head over there after you read this! We have just finished two weapon models, the Colt Peacemaker and the Colt

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Hey guys, Lumbergh here from Tombstone mod for Half-Life 2.

First off, our website is still undergoing a major overhaul, but our current one is still up and running for you to check out, so go head over there after you read this!

We have just finished two weapon models, the Colt Peacemaker and the Colt Buntline.

Colt Peacemaker 1873 Colt Buntline

Fishbulb is also hard at work on mapping the whole town of Tombstone, so stay tuned for screenshots of that!

If you have any questions, post on the forums at

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