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Early Access 2.0 is piecing together. Check out our latest development progress.

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Hi all,


First of all, thank you to everyone who has and is voting for us. It really means a lot, every vote counts. If you'd like to help us make the top 100, please share our page with your friends, family and just everyone and everywhere!

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I'd like to talk about Early Access 2.0 and what changes you can expect once it releases.

gameplay ea 20

You'll no longer defend just 1 Core, but instead 3.

green core hcu

We've found it creates a new dynamic to the gameplay, especially adding on the fact enemies will attack from all over the place! Teamwork becomes more important and the placement of your turrets are to be strategic. You must search for attachments for your weapon as each wave progresses. In other words, it's already very FUN.

blue core hcu

garage bouncy ball

The biggest challenge Unboxed faced was fundamentally, its core gameplay. Currently, the mechanics essentially involve players defending a Core from a "line formation of enemy A.I". This may seem well and dandy, but it does not offer much diversity.

We focused far too much on the aesthetics rather than gameplay, or more to the point, the fun factor. Our new target has been to allow much more scalability, freedom of movement, to be able to traverse the environment while defending your objective.

Enemies will attack more dynamically, charging from different angles, spawning from areas that pose a threat. It’ll be chaotic, you’ll have to navigate the level wisely and strategically place your turrets and traps. There is going to be more interaction with the environment.

hcu hallway

What will be in Early Access 2.0?

  • New UI and HUD that is much more intuitive and user friendly.

  • Better looking animations and particle effects

  • Basic unlock system - you'll have to earn your skins

  • New maps, weapons and enemies

  • Huge optimisation, this includes faster loads times, higher framerates, bug fixes and more

  • Fully implemented Split-Screen support

  • Improved optimisation for sounds

  • New dynamic music system

  • Difficulty Modes

garage test1 1
garden hcu
attic update hcu

I hope you are liking what you see. Feel free to join our Newsletter and Discord channel. - Joe

Digital Cybercherries Ltd.

_WulfKang_ - - 460 comments

Great work yet again! Continue this masterpiece lad! Early access is getting more juicy by the day.

- Your humble scribe, WulfKang.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+3 votes
Joe_H04 Author
Joe_H04 - - 61 comments

We will do! I'm sure going to love Early Access 2.0!

Reply Good karma+2 votes
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