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Six war-themed scenarios just for you. What's that? All Wolf scenarios are war-themed? Will you please shut up?

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Orders - unquestionable
All rank and file - expendable

That's right, these releases (six of them this time!) all follow the theme of war and fighting. I mean, technically all Wolf mods follow the theme of war and fighting, but these ones... Well, whatever. Let's dig in.

The most interesting piece of the bunch is probably Warstories, a scenario which can't be credited to any single author, so we'll put "WolfAddict" here instead. According to an old advertisement, Warstories were supposed to be a giant 90-level trilogy, possibly a combination of two other scenarios called WolfAddict and The Aftermath. But before you begin whetting you appetite for ninety maps of Wolf3D, unfortunately only a demo was ever known to be released. The demo has six floors and is ported here for your playing pleasure.

WolfAddict, I guess.

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Warstories Demo

Going further, we have The War, a single-map scenario by an unknown author and a title that's truly a perfect fit for today's theme. It's the simplest thing ever: a massive one area where you get tons of supplies and are tasked with killing a horde of enemies (including a couple bosses) occupying the opposite corner of the map. I have no idea how this map was supposed to work, considering it exceeds the original game's object limit by far, but there you go. On MacenWolf you can play it in its full glory.


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The War

The Whole Army (single map, unknown author) is a slightly different concept. Once again you have a horde of enemies in front of you, but you will have to face them piecemeal, one type of enemy per room, including bosses eventually. Survive this gauntlet and you, er, win the war, I suppose, since you killed the whole army...

No idea.

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The Whole Army

Paladin's Warzone is another single-level scenario with no documentation and no known author. I don't know who the titular paladin is or why is he fighting Nazis, I just know that it's a decent (if farly short) Mac map. Try it out.

Yes, this is dog.

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Paladin's Warzone

The Final Battle - finally something with more than one map! This time you get two. Still no author. In this scenario, you fight massive numbers of enemies and get nothing to fight them with, so I'm not sure how is this supposed to work out. Maybe you're just meant to corner stab everything.

Yes, this is God.

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The Final Battle

And then there's Fight Fire With Fire. Three maps! And we even know the author - it's Cyber1999. He seems to have appended the wrong text file to the scenario, but we can deal with that. These three levels offer a variety of combat situations - from open spaces to plenty of cover, to both. You'll be fighting a lot of enemies obviously, including multiple clones of Dr. Schabbs at one point (guess the old doc has been busy with his research). Level layouts seem to have been designed with function over aesthetics in mind. There's generally enough amo and health to handle the incoming enemies, sometimes right out in the open, somethimes if you look hard enough. If you don't mind lengthy fights with multiple bosses, this is a mapset for you.


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Fight Fire With Fire

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