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The slimline UI is done! Take a look at it in action!

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So regular readers of the blog will know that a pet peeve of mine has been all of the people who are either too young to remember the classics, or people who simply weren't interested in them when they were out sending us emails asking us why the game's UI is the way it is... I've had my rants about it in the past, but I have also mentioned that we had plans for an optional slimline UI for those people to use, while the rest of us fans of the classics can use the more classical UI system. Well, it's done and ready! Here is a video that shows the comparison between the two!

Now people have no reason to email or comment saying that they hate the UI design ;-)

I'll say again though, that this was always the plan. We just took our time implementing it since it was fairly low-priority on the to-do list. But it's here to stay now, so we hope you enjoy it!

And remember to vote for us in the Indie Of The Year awards! Just go the Malevolence main page here on IndieDB and click the pink "vote for this game" button! We'll love you forever if you do!

And as always, please check out and join up with our social networking pages!

TheConjurersTower - - 157 comments

WHAT?!?!?!?! HATE THE UI DESIGN??? APOSTASY! (pant* pant*) *ahem* Of course it's a nice thing to see devs doing this kind of service to their fans, but since the UI design was one of my favorite element of your game (besides all the other elements, obviously) I just had to comment. I'll definitely be using the classic UI when I play.

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CumQuaT Author
CumQuaT - - 776 comments

Us to! haha we much prefer the classic view, but people just wouldn't leave us alone about it haha kids today! tsk tsk

Reply Good karma+2 votes
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