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The Word of Tolkien Project Update! Happy New Year!

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Happy New Year

We want to wish the whole community Happy New Year!

We would like to wish everyone happy holidays and weekends! We wish you and your loved ones a great health!

We want to wish the modemakers successful creations! As great as those of Celebrimbor and Feanor. We wish you a great patience! Take care!

Pre-Final Version

This update contains a lof of bugfixes. Moreover, it contains all the promised features from the last News (New heroes and upgraded Ents, New Mount/Dismount system for heroes, Food system)

We have improved the process of building the fortress. A player can build only one fortress even if he tries to use more than one builder when the fortress is destroyed.

Also, we have updated Survival mode. Survival:Angmar and Survival:Wild don't have fortresses and builders. It's necessary to destroy all the hordes in order to win.

We have improved Ents. They extinguish themselves in the water correctly. The Builders of Light can extinguish them with the ability.

The heroes have been improved. We have added new abilities and animations to the heroes.

You can sell any unit in order to get resources.

Victory system works correctly.

We've added and fixed the Spiders upgrade in the Fortress of Darkness.

Created heroes are back! Have fun!

And much more!

Thank you!

We do appreciate your feedback and your support! It's amazing to see a positive feedback! It's really useful to see a negative feedback!

We do want to thank Sergey135531 for testing! He noted an awful bug, we fixed it!

We do want to thank MathijsRevora for the review! We have added the phrase ‘Elendil!' to Aragorn. It does exist in the book but it didn't work canonically in the original. That's why we have removed it. It does work canonically now! Give Aragorn the order to attack, he can shout this phrase!
Also, we have added the ability to switch weapons (Rohirrim). There are two different Rohirrim units in the first version. One of them could switch the weapons, another couldn't do so. Rohan has a lot of knights, perhaps it's more canonical to have those two types of them. If you want every knight of Rohan to switch weapons, so be it! This is not a mistake after all!

Also, we do want to thank artemxxx96, phutt, and OlorinIstari for the positive feedback! Thank you guys! We do appreciate it! It gives us the greatest motivation!

Be happy!

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