Top 100 On IndieDB:
Wow! I really didn't expect it but just 2 days after announcing our game we have made our way to the top 100 on indieDB. We are really thrilled and motivated by your support and cannot wait to share more about The Untold Legacy's game development.
The whole team is currently hard at work in an attempt to bring the game to life. Ive been personally reaching out to various websites, forums and platforms in hopes of spreading the word and garnering further fan support. Daniele has been working on music for the game and I can guarantee many of you will be blown away when you hear it. And Stefan is working on bringing everything together so we will have a demo available relatively soon.
As a side note I uploaded some information to Greenlight concepts today. I really wanted a chance to test the waters before we officially post the game. Hopefully I can get an idea from the lovely people there of what they think.
That is all for now! Be sure to comment and let us know your thoughts.