In a distant kingdom long ago laid a secluded, peaceful mountain village, untouched by the ever changing world around it. The villagers, however, know only one thing: Leaving is not an option; for any who do, will find themselves in the grasp of a mysterious dark curse.
That is until the village’s only child, a young boy, begins to uncover strange messages from an unknown source. These messages are seemingly warning him of a darkness, guiding him towards something, something mysterious, something that will forever alter his legacy and those around him. Will he take up the blade and embark on a treacherous adventure to become the hero this forsaken kingdom needs? Or stand back as he watches the mistakes of the past be repeated once more?
The Untold Legacy is an engaging, atmosphere drenched action-adventure RPG, with a bright and colorful art style set in a surreal and often creepy setting. You will be brought to tears as you uncover the twists and turns in this emotionally story-driven experience that will leave you shocked and surprised as you discover the secrets the world of Touchstone has to offer.
Explore this breathing and vibrant open world, as you tackle dungeons and overcome obstacles in any order you deem necessary, in this non-linear adventure. Become immersed as you encounter the kingdom inhabitants and help them in meaningful and rewarding ways that promise only to enrich the game experience. Face off against a plethora of unique monsters and bosses, as you combine strategy and skill with real time fast paced combat, that will reward you with every landed blow.
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The Untold Legacy
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The Untold Legacy Announced
We are proud to finally announce our upcoming zelda-like, action-adventure, RPG The Untold Legacy. We are currently developing the game in Unity for Windows, Mac, Linux and the Wii U.
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