Post news RSS The Threshold Demo is now live!

Please read through the below for gameplay instructions and a list of known bugs that you may run across ; )

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The Threshold Demo is now live! Please read through the below for gameplay instructions and a list of known bugs that you may run across ; )

Now there are going to be some major bugs. Hopefully no horrific game crashing blue screening ones. However the game is not optimized, in fact it may actually be in a state of negative optimization. But remember this is a pre- pre- pre- pre- alpha demo. This represents less than three months of work in an effort to flesh out the biggest core mechanics of the game and should not be taken as final gameplay in any way shape or form.

So what can you look forward to bug wise? Well the blocks that appear at the beginning of the game are there for your use; however they are not placed in the world properly so they will usually all break when you break one. Furthermore, when this happens the game will freeze momentarily, do not be alarmed, this is normal. The game will shortly return to normal and all the blocks will fall out of the sky.

Please feel free to make videos and screenshots of the demo and post them, just make sure to credit us (Stellar Knights) and include a link to our Kickstarter page here:

Game Controls:
Movement: WASD
Jump: Space
Camera: Mouse
Interact/Use: E
Drop Object: T
Rotate Block: Scroll Wheel
Tool Primary: Left Click
Tool Secondary: Right Click
Menu: Escape or P

Also make sure you pick up the acorn looking thing, it is the digger and it is the tool required to break blocks and terrain. Without it this will be a very boring demo.

Features Included:
Digging (brought to you by the acorn of power)
No Floating Blocks (mostly)
Placeable Lights
7 different block types
And last but not least, Mr. Debugging Cube! (and his side kick Joe Sphere)

Known Bugs:
~Game will freeze momentarily when a large stack of blocks break at once, should recover after a few seconds.
~Smaller objects (Lanterns) may fall through the ground.
~It is sometimes possible to fall out of the map (If you fall out of the map head back in the direction of the spawn location where you will find a tunnel going down to the bottom of the world. Walk into this tunnel to get back inside the map.)
~X-ray vision on the digger’s hand?
~Rapid clicking will allow blocks to be placed inside of other blocks.
~Taking screen shots in full screen mode is sometimes broken.

Please forgive the mess, remember this is not even alpha X D

Demo Link:
Alternate Link:

Also note a few virus scans seem to flag it (including my own) because it is not a common file. You have my word that it is not in fact a virus X D

Zathonix - - 90 comments


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