Post news RSS The Thing v2.4 Release

Disclaimer, Let's Play, v2.4 release of the game with download links and system specs.

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We're finally here now Captain! The long overdue v2 expansion of the game is ready; free for you all to enjoy. I've attached some system spec guidelines and some other key notes I think people should read before downloading the game.


This 'Traditional Style' Sci-Fi RPG is a "Non-Profit" Fan Made game based on the events after the 1982 movie "The Thing" created by John Carpenter. It is in no way endorsed by John Carpenter or Universal Studios and shares likeness only in name. In my eyes it is the same as drawing a picture of a popular character and posting it online for all to see. I funded this game with my own money and I do not generate any revenue from ModDB or the ads displayed on my website (which I also pay for). If there are grounds for an issue with copyright then I am willing to take responsibility for that and make the appropriate changes where needed to resolve the issue. The Majority of the content (music, artwork, code) in the game is either licensed for use, originally created or credit is given where due for work used in 'Free' projects.

Now that's out of the way I just want to say that I hope you enjoy the game and any constructive feedback or general comments you can give me would be great. I think that this tested my mettle at times but I'm happy with the final product. YouTube user Sadonrii who did a let's play of my game before has kindly agreed to play more of the game; you can see that below if you are unsure of what to expect. (Spoiler Warnings)

System Specs

Since the v1 there have been massive improvements to overall performance. I believe the game will run on a wide range of Windows Computers now and the v2 tanks far less in comparison to the v1. Below are the recommended specs based on those provided by the RPG Maker Team. (Official Specs)

OS: Windows XP or later
CPU: Intel® Pentium® 4 2.0 GHz equivalent or faster processor
Storage: 400mb

You can delete your old v1 copies as the v2.4 is treated as a new game. Please note that previous saves will not work with the v2.4.


Mediafire Link:

ModDB Link:

Good luck Captain, we're counting on you...

Sasuna_Tenachi - - 88 comments

Amazing so far! loved the short story for subject 21! maybe make a full story for it? id love that!

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Richard2410 Author
Richard2410 - - 178 comments

There was a longer campaign planned but I kept it simple this time around, maybe in the future but Beat Normal Difficulty Thing Mode and play a NewGame+ Story with that Data. Subject #21 may appear and you can decide if the creature will fulfill it's revenge motives.

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Sasuna_Tenachi - - 88 comments

maybe this is just me, but i am not sure anyways, for the story that u remade of the original game. where u play as captain blake. THE MENU KEYS DO NOT WORK! lol. i cant bring up the menu, at first i went with it and shrugged my shoulders. now however... i have the number to the elevator in the gen inc lab area. but... i cant get to the menu to actually get the number.... is this a bug i got or what?

can u send me the number to it though so i can move on with the story please! just pm me it please! :) i am stuck at the level so...

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Richard2410 Author
Richard2410 - - 178 comments

I messaged you, if anyone else has the same problem please let me know.

Reply Good karma+1 vote
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