Post news RSS The Tanks - first announcement

Hello! At the beggining I want to tell you a copule of technical things. Firstly, it's my first international announcement of a game and my english might became, a little rusty, so please excuse me my mistakes :) Now, what is The Tanks? Well, it's a kind of a space shooter, but unlike Asteroids the game takes place on solid ground and there is a bunch of tanks, cars and trucks instead of space ships. My game is also going to be as crazy as possible...

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A bus full of crazy scientist throwing bottles full of misterious green goo? Why not. Suicide rabbit toys, running straight at you with bombs on their backs? Of course! Enormous steam tanks? Yup, they are here.

The game features standard campaign composed of at least 15 missions, each in other environment such as: desert, tunnel, forest, plains, suburbs etc. I am also going to add a kind of free roam game, where you choose enivronment, game rules, difficulty and play as long as you want fighting randomly generated hordes of enemies charging you from above.

My game will be released on Windows and, I hope, mobile on Android and iToys (iPhone etc.). For now you can play development demo here: The Tanks v. 0.35

More info is released on my twitter: @MambaGamesS, and on facebook: Mamba Games. You can also check my devblog here: Mamba Games - Blog. Translation is on the way.


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