Hey all! Welcome back to another summery of a week in development of The Subject. Remember to head over to the DSD youtube channel and see the weekly development video there! The last week I've been busy improving Monster behavior in Unity. I've done a lot of work on a new nav mesh to help define where the monster can travel and how the monster sees the player.
He is much more responsive now and I'm pretty happy with the results. I also spent a great deal of time hooking up the animations in Unity to get them to transition well. I still have a handful of animations to make and a lot of polish, but they are coming in and getting hooked up to various systems.
In addition to the new behaviors, I've started working on reactions to the player beyond line of sight and a few under the hood mechanisms. A good example is the new hide system improvements where you can be spotted by the monster based on certain elements.
The not too distant future
Props! I'm finally working on some of the additional elements for the environment in Maya, I'm going to be working on all the different doors first as they are still part of game play and then I'll work on various buttons, lights, and modular prop sets like pipes, and panels. The game should take on a very different look after I finish the new props and take another pass over the environment.
New door from yesterdays steam, should be done todayI also have a plan for new puzzles that will be added. Not too many more though as I want to focus on quality. However, I'm hoping these will all come together really quickly now that base systems are in place.
Some pretty awesome stuff should be happening soon! Until next time!
Brian Clarke
The Subject - Developer