Our composer, Fingerspit, is working on the soundtrack that will accompany you during the harsh challenge of overcoming the numerous dangers Gods Will Be Watching will present you. Our objective is to develop an strong identity parting from the original prototype's soundtrack, focusing the new songs in enhancing the mood of every scenario but also making the tracks enjoyable for long periods of time. Deconstructeam is very thrilled with the kind of mood Fingerspit is achieving with this new themes, and here we present you some of his work in progress.
The main theme for the hostage situation. Put yourself on the skin of the bioterrists Xenolifer and handle a tense situation, negotiating with the police while your leader hacks into an space lab's data base.
A slow paced bleak theme. There's no hope for the one who live tied to a chair for weeks.
The epic trailer theme, arranged and without the narrator. Created as Gods Will Be Watching's leitmotiv. You'll probably find its characteristic melody mixed in several key moments on the plot.
We released this track time ago. It was conceived for the stage where you'll have to deal with a deadly virus running through your veins, while experimenting with the group in order to discover the cure.
We hope you like the mood, and we'll gladly use any feedback you bring to us!
Link to our indiegogo campaing: Indiegogo
Play the original game: Gods Will Be Watching