Post news RSS The Sixteenth Promise - Devlog Update #1

The Sixteenth Promise - Cover art, character preview and playable demo!

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Cover art published

Today, I can finally release the long-awaited cover art of the game!

Here it is! Enjoy:

cover art

Character art and movement

There will be approximately 15 to 20 characters in this game, each with their own unique style and composure. The character walking animations are made of eight frames each, only going in the directions of north-east, north-west, south-east and south-west. Below is a GIF preview of what it would look like:


Progress and playable demo

The game is coming together quite nicely, and there might be a playable demo coming up in the next two or three weeks, I hope. The demo will only feature the starting area with a few character interactions, music, sound effects and some other good bits and pieces.

If you have any opinions of the demo, you have the chance to influence it! If you think something shouldn't be in the game or if there's anything you'd change, give me your thoughts and I'll be sure to do the best I can to improve the game :)

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