Post news RSS The Second battle of our Demo

Right now our main priority is to finish working on the second battle of the demo. At a number of points, we encountered difficult tasks related to the AI of the new type of monsters - the Evoys.

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Recently we have been actively working on improving the second battle in our demo. In this battle, the expedition faces a new type of enemies, the Evoys. They are insanely dangerous mutated demon-like ogres with high mobility.

battle Evoy 1

Thanks to the experiments of unknown mages, they have thick skin covered with protective shells, giving them resistance to magic and attacks with weapons. They gather in large packs, controlled by the mind of their leader, who has the ability to astral magic, and act as a one, surrounding their victims from different sides and leaving no chance for escape.

battle Evoy 2

The battlefield of the second encounter has a lot of terrain with large elevation changes. To avoid being surrounded, you can occupy and hold one of the highgrounds. And using the Jetpack, the engineer can occupy a place where small individuals can't reach him and shoot them off with impunity.

battle Evoy 3

Heroes with area attacks also have an advantage against Evoys. The leader of the Evoy pack has a tendency to gather small species around him for his own defense.

battle Evoy 4

In the future we will show you more details. So stay tuned. You can join on Discord for getting more involved or follow us in any comfortable sotial net as twitter, facebook or reddit. And anytime we are waiting you on our kickstarter page.

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