Post news RSS The Mod being ressurected

Things with the mod as I have said in a 'comment' are... D.E.A.D. Because of my inactivity and lack of being online for the most part. Since recent events are keeping me on the computer for the majority of my day, and since I know several people now with modding and coding cabilities, the

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Things with the mod as I have said in a 'comment' are... D.E.A.D. Because of my inactivity and lack of being online for the most part. Since recent events are keeping me on the computer for the majority of my day, and since I know several people now with modding and coding cabilities, the mod is being ressurected. I hope you all will become interested in this again... I know I must have crushed a lot of hopes, but I promise (puts hand on Bible) that I will not let this end in yet another dead mod. Soon, things will be getting done. I am re-recruiting members and soon, we shall make another web site. Not free, mind you, but an *actual* web site. With HTML and everything... in fact, I may use my Clan's web site with a Mod section. Since we are under new management, "Desert Brigade Productions", which is both a Modding and Machinima making company, things shall become more... organized and functioning.

Also, as a note, after the Owen Frost mod we will be doing a Quake 4 Online Cooperative Mod if OpenCoop fails to do so. I have heavy hopes, like many in the modding community, that OpenCoop will yet again surprise us with another fantastic mod. If not, I shall make the mod and add some good ideas so that we can compensate for the additional players. That includes features. Now, if you all want to review my Clan's web site before the initial posting of the Owen Frost mod, go to Copy and paste that into your Web Browser. Well, I must get to work now. Good luck all! See you!

imthunder - - 41 comments

Great to hear, hopefully you will be outputting some nice work in the not to distant future. Much Good Luck!

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