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Some information on the factions so far, and in depth overviews of them. There will be quite a lot more factions then these, but these are the ones that are most finalized.

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Currently there are a few factions that have been somewhat finalized in the mod, and who have partially complete troop trees. Currently all the factions that have at least a name and some troops are as follows: Kingdom of Aurelia, Kingdom of Vericia, Kingdom of Corwell, and the Technocracy of Wehrhilm. There will be many more in the mod when it's complete, but these are the more finalized ones. In the post I'll be detailing three of the factions: Aurelia, Corwell, and Wehrhilm. Once more stuff is finalized with the other factions, I'll show some details of them too.

All of this information comes from the Taleworlds forum thread for the mod, which you can find here: I'll likely post this kind of information there first, but I'll likely post more screenshots more commonly here on Moddb.

Kingdom of Aurelia


The Kingdom of Aurelia was one of the original territories of the old Empire, and was known for its strong soldiers and skilled generals. Aurelia was the birthplace of many of the most famous Imperial generals, and was also home to many of the Empires most decorated armies. Since the collapse of the Empire, Aurelia has believed that the only way to restore the old Empire is to preserve its ways, on the battlefield and off it. As such, Aurelia's military suffers from a severe lack of modernization, fielding armoured infantry and knights, while other factions employ Line Infantry. Still, Aurelia is not to be underestimated, if their soldiers manage to make it through the hail of bullets that will likely be coming towards them, they will cut down any enemy soldiers with ease. Aurelian Knights, clad in plate armor, are a fearsome sight to behold. En masse they make the very ground below them shake, and grip their enemies hearts with fear. Of course, that fear may lessen after a volley from Line Infantry.

Aurelia has strong infantry and cavalry, with their infantry being the best in all of the old Imperial lands. Their Cavalry is also some of the best, and will not be easily taken down by any coldarms, and even firearms will have a bit of trouble with all the plate they have to punch through. However, Aurelian ranged troops are very poor, using only bows and arrows. With their steel shields and steel armor, they can withstand more attacks from firearms, and that is able to be used to their advantage. Aurelian Infantry will be most effective if the enemy can be drawn out, and forced to get close to the infantry before they have a shot at the infantry. If that is not possible, then Aurelian Infantry should be used to get close to the enemies as fast as possible, and cut them down. Using both cavalry and infantry is most effective, as the cavalry can get to the enemy fast, and distract them while the infantry make their way over. This way the infantry will suffer the least amount of casualties.

Pros and Cons

+ Fantastic Infantry
+ Good Cavalry
+ Good at defending castles and Towns
- Poor ranged units
- Outdated technology
- No Firearms

Kingdom of Corwell


The Kingdom of Corwell was one of the most technologically advanced regions in the old Empire, second only to Wehrhilm. Corwell was also known for being home to many skilled and famous generals, though it did not have quite the reputation that Aurelia did. Corwell and Wehrhilm were almost always rivals, competing to create the best technology. Corwell would always make the better domestic technology, while Wehrhilm would make better military technology. This competition led to rapid technological advancement within the Empire, but only for a time. After the Empire collapsed this rivalry would lead to somewhat sour relations between the two factions, who each still would seek to prove themselves superior to the other. Corwell fields the most modern troops, Line Infantry, though their tactics still remain similar to the older Pike and Shot style armies, as in addition to their Line Infantry they also field Pikemen. Corwell Line Infantry is not quite as good as those from Wehrhilm, but they are still a force to be reckoned with. Corwell Pikemen are some of the best pikemen in any of the modern Line Infantry armies, and the more trained pikemen are equipped with fairly good armour.

Corwell has good Line Infantry, and Pikemen, though they do not have great cavalry. Their Cavalry is easily outmatched by other light cavalry, even that of Aurelia. Still, with enough cavalry, and a good commander, they can be invaluable to a battle. Corwell troops work best using Line Infantry tactics, with pikemen behind the Line Infantry. If cavalry or infantry are about to reach the Line Infantry, it is wise to move the pikemen up to engage in melee, while the Line Infantry re-positions to be more effective. In battles against other similarly modern armies, Corwell does have a slight edge over most, but will still find itself outmatched by Wehrhilm troops. Against more outdated armies, Corwell will be able to inflict great losses with their Line Infantry, and still hold their own in melee.

Pros and Cons

+ Good Line Infantry
+ Good Pikemen
+ Capable against old and new armies alike
- Poor cavalry

Technocracy of Wehrhilm


The Technocracy of Wehrhilm was historically the most technologically advanced region of the old Empire, and was responsible for most of the modern military technologies. Throughout history they would develop the most advanced weapons the Empire would use, such as the gun. Wehrhilm was not known for good military leaders, in fact, some of the worst Imperial Generals came from Wehrhilm. Still, their development of advanced weapons would prove incredibly useful. Wehrhilm was, and remains, rivals with Corwell, with both competing for development of more advanced technologies. Wehrhilm mostly would beat Corwell when it came to military technolgoy, though Corwell would beat Wehrhilm in terms of domestic technology. Today Wehrhilm fields the most advanced troops, and uses the most advanced weapons. The Wehrhilm Marines make use of the deadly Heinrich repeater, which holds 14 bullets and can be fired quickly, without the need for reload in between each shot. In Line Battles, this makes Wehrhilm a dangerous foe. Wehrhilm suffers when it comes to melee troops, and cavalry. Wehrhilm does field some pikemen, though they are not well armoured. Unlike most factions, Wehrhilm uses no cavalry, meaning that they have somewhat limited tactics available to them.

In battle Wehrhilm troops work best when in a standard Line Infantry set up, with pikemen behind incase of melee threats. Thanks to their advanced weapons, the Wehrhilm Marines are great at thinning down the enemy numbers, though their weapons are not as accurate as other guns, and go through ammo very quickly. The Marines can be used to great effect at the beginning or towards the end of a battle, to quickly take out a number of enemies. Having no cavalry, Wehrhilm armies are somewhat less mobile, and not as able to quickly react to situations on the battlefield, and their pikemen will be easily bested in combat with better melee troops, such as those of Aurelia. A Wehrhilm army can prove very effective if dug into a good location, such as utop a hill, or in a castle, since it will be harder for enemies to reach them. So long as they don't have to fight in melee, Wehrhilm will do very well in a fight.

Pros and Cons

+ Fantastic Line Infantry
+ Good at defense
+ Capable against old and new armies alike
- No cavalry
- Poor pikemen
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